World Polio Day, observed worldwide on the 24th of October annually to raise awareness of the significance of polio vaccination to protect every child from this devastating disease.

On this day, various local, national, and international healthcare organisations, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Rotary International, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the vaccine alliance come together and conduct several events, campaigns, vaccinations and educational programs to create awareness about the importance of providing vaccines to children to eradicate polio.

Importance of World Polio Day

Polio (Poliomyelitis) is a highly viral infectious disease, mainly affecting children under five. The virus is spread from person to person, mainly through the faecal-oral pathway or, less frequently, by a shared object (such as contaminated food or water). It multiplies in the intestine, from where it can enter the nervous system and cause paralysis.

There are cases of paralytic poliomyelitis due to a loss of viral attenuation in the oral polio vaccine (OPV), known as vaccine-associated paralytic poliovirus (VAPP). Vaccine-associated paralytic poliovirus (VAPP) is very rare, occurring approximately 3.8 times per lakhs of cases in countries using the oral poliovirus vaccine.efforts must continue to maintain high immunisation coverage, implement high-quality surveillance to detect any presence of the virus and prepare to respond in the event of an outbreak.

World Polio Day 2023: ThemeAccording to WHO: To ensure a polio-free future for everyone, efforts must continue to maintain high immunisation coverage, implement high-quality surveillance to detect any presence of the virus and prepare to respond in the event of an outbreak.

History of World Polio Day

World Polio Day was created and celebrated by Rotary International to commemorate the birthday of Jonas Salk, the medical researcher who led the first team to develop a polio vaccine. In 1955, he created the Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine. In 1962, Albert Sabin created the Oral Polio Vaccine. In 1988, World Health Assembly committed to eradicate the poliovirus, at the time, there were around 3,50,000 cases worldwide. In 2002, WHO European Region was declared polio-free since then on October 24, the World Polio Day is celebrated worldwide.

Preventive measures for polio

Polio is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to paralysis and even death in severe cases. Here are the key measures for preventing polio:

  • Intake of timely vaccination (Immunization)
  • Being sure to receive any required booster doses of the vaccine
  • Improving hygiene and sanitation
  • Early detection
  • Covering the mouth while sneezing or coughing
  • Public awareness and education

How To Raise Awareness On Eliminating Polio 

There are various ways to create strategies on eliminating this virus borne disease.  World Polio Day serves as a call to action, mobilizing resources for vaccination campaigns and other initiatives aimed at eliminating polio. Some of the ways are:

  • Fundraising events on this day contribute to sustaining efforts in regions where polio is still rampant.
  • Communities can organize seminars to raise awareness about polio and the importance of vaccination
  • Workshops and informational sessions can be conducted to educate people on the impact of polio and the role they can play in its eradication.
  • In the digital age, social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness. Engaging posts, infographics, and videos can be shared across various platforms to encourage discussions around polio eradication.
  • Supporting vaccination programs is pivotal in the fight against polio. On World Polio Day, communities can collaborate with healthcare organizations ensuring that more individuals are protected against this infectious disease.
  • Schools can play a vital role in educating the younger generation about polio. Special programs, assemblies, or classroom activities can be organized to teach children about the history of polio, the importance of vaccination, and the role they can play in its prevention.
  • Organizing fundraising campaigns on this day can provide much-needed support. Charity events, donation drives etc can contribute to the financial sustainability of polio eradication programs.

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