New Vice president of Indian Nursing Council..Dr Jogendra Sharma…

Dr. Jogendra Sharma was a recipient of national award for President of Florence Nightingale Foundation in 2015, currently serving as Principal, Govt. College of Nursing, Jaipur. He is also the President of TNAI state branch Rajasthan.

Below are the position held by Dr. Jogendra Sharma in the past

Assistant Registrar, RUHS (2010 to 2012)
Registrar, Rajasthan Nursing Council (Dec. 2013 to Nov. 2015)
Principal Coordinator, GFATM Project
President, TNAI State Branch Rajasthan
HOI – IGNOU Regional Study Centre
Member Secretary – Faculty of Nursing, RUHS
Member -Board of Studies, RUHS
Member- Board of Inspection , RUHS
Member – Academic Council, RUHS
Chairman, Counselling Board, RUHS (2016)

In the latest National level election for the President and Vice President of the Indian Nursing Council, Dr. Jogendra Sharma is elected as Vice President of INC. T Dilip Kumar is also elected as President and continue to lead the institution.

Dr. Ramalinga Mali and Dr. Anne Grace were also contesting for the posts of Chairman and Vice-President. Dr. Sharma defeated Dr. Anne Grace, Registrar, Indian Nurses Council, Tamilnadu.

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